residential RETREATS

Do you feel the call to RE treat yourself?  To beckon to the whisperings of your heart, step back from the busyness of life, connect with yourself more deeply and explore the ways that you can live a life aligned with your desires?

My retreats offer a space of unconditional love, acceptance and support to do all of this and more.  We embody sisterhood like no other.  We delve into the energies of love, joy, peace and wisdom through all our senses.  You are tenderly nurtured and guided at all times.  And you have the space to heal, flow and grow from the inside out.  We explore the physical, mental, emotional and energetic bodies, soothing and strengthening them with sound healing practices, essential oil magic, dance, yoga, regression journeys, cacao, hypnosis, wholesome foods and so much more. Each retreat has it's own signature and is made all the more special by the gorgeous heart centred souls they attract.  Why not try one for yourself?

I offer both 1 day and residential retreats.  Beautiful and holding venues are selected to add their own special energy.  Themes are set which create the intention for the time together.  You are supported before, during and after the retreat.  This is part of what I offer that is so key to me in both 1-2-1 and group work.  To create the space and love so that you can gently integrate any new learnings, insights or choices back into day to day life.

We sprinkle lots of fun and laughter along the way.  Know that you will be loved and you will discover more about who you are when you invest in yourself in this way.



"Lynda has such a beautiful graceful energy & as a facilitator she is extremely talented  at guiding you into a relaxing, hypnotic state of being with both her melodic voice & sound healings.  

When doing past life and inner child work, she manages to help you unlock those areas that have been dormant deep within with her powerful healing sessions  & gently assists you in  navigating through anything that arises so that you are safely supported & guided  along the way.  I can’t recommend Lynda enough & I look forward to her other workshops & retreats". 

"I have had the privilege of attending a number of Lynda’s retreats as well as doing one on one regression work with her.  Her sessions have provided deep learning and I left with wonderful new knowledge and skills that have enhanced my life.  

Lynda goes the extra mile to ensure that the needs of each participant are met with love and empathy. She is deeply intuitive and is able to get to the heart of an issue quickly and then guide the person as they take an active role in their own healing.
I have found my experiences with Lynda to be profound. I have felt so loved and so held that I was able to clear very deep trauma with grace and ease.
The opportunity to go on retreat with Lynda is an experience not to be missed. You will find it life changing, I sure did!"

"I have received some of my most transformative healing sessions from Lynda now these past months. Retreats, sound healing, inner child work, past life regression work.  Her pure being and presence brings healing to any room she enters.

Lynda has an incredibly intuitive sense for what is really going on in the deepest of our souls and she creates such a safe space to open up and release or receive whatever gifts we carry inside of us that is ready to be seen. 

I am still blown away by my own insights in these sessions and her work and impact is still integrating and transforming me in so many lifechanging ways. I am forever grateful and changed by you Lynda. If you are ready to take back the pieces of yourself that maybe have been lost, forgotten, suppressed or you are just unconscious of I highly recommend Lynda as your guide".